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Let me tell you, there are people dying and people whose lives are absolutely ruined as a result of domestic violence and, what’s more, we are all, as a society, the victim.”


David Morrison – 2016 Australian of the Year – FEBRUARY 1, 2017 – ABC Q & A



Teymara works with both children and adults who have been victims of domestic violence. 


Domestic violence, whether brief or inflicted over many years, scars an individual on many levels – emotionally, mentally and physically. Damage is also done at a subconscious level and this is where it’s hardest to heal. 


Teymara has found that no matter what process of healing the victim has gone through before coming to her, the emotional, mental and physical trauma stills remains at some level. This is the case because the subconscious creates negative neurological and emotional pathways at the time the abuse occurs as the action whether mental, emotional or physical registers as a trauma. Unless transformed, the individual is forever connected to the memory and the emotions formed around the abuse.


Teymara’s work  involves transforming the negative thoughts, emotions and fears the abuse created so that the individual can start to move forward with their lives. She also provides practical coaching to assist victims to effectively support their children (if children were involved) and re-establish their new life in a violent-free setting. 


You can view Teymara’s VIP transformational sessions here


Alternatively, please contact the office to discuss further so Teymara can recommend the best approach. 

AY 2, 2017 – THE AGE
Victorian state budget 2017-18: Areas of high family violence to get safety and support hubs.

More than a quarter of the Andrews government’s $1.9 billion family violence package announced in Tuesday’s budget will go to funding specialist centres, the majority of which will not be completed until the second half of the next four-year term.

The 17 safety and support hubs will be built in areas with the highest rate of family violence at a cost of $448 million.

April 19, 2017 – The Age
A report reveals the horrifying toll of violence against women and girls.
Almost 6300 women and girls were hospitalised because of assault in 2013-14, for a rate of 56 cases per 100,000 population.
Janine Mahoney, former chairwoman of Domestic Violence Victoria, said it was critically


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important that governments take notice of these reports.
Ms Mahoney also said that the number of women and girls assaulted in Australia each year was “far greater, far greater than what’s coming to light” in documented reports.
“It makes me fear for how many women and children are experiencing not just physical assault, but the many other varied forms of family violence in the home that are going unreported,” she said.

MARCH 31, 2016 – Herald-Sun Australia

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MARCH 30, 2016 The state government releases the Royal Commission findings – 227 recommendations for combating family violence, pledging to adopt everyone of them.


MAY 14, 2015 – As part of our Take A Stand campaign, the Herald-Sun details the horrific cases of four men convicted in the previous 2 weeks of killing their partners, including Rekiah O’Donnell, shot in the head, Cathy Browning, stabbed 15 times.

JANUARY 26, 2015 – Rosie Batty is announced as Australian of the Year in recognition of her campaigning on Family Violence. She continues to speak publicly about her experiences in order to raise public awareness and advocate for change.


DECEMBER 2014 – Newly elected Labour Government establishes the Royal Commission into family violence and installs Fiona Richardson as Australia’s first Minister for Family Violence.

FEBRUARY 12, 2014 – 11 year old Luke Batty is bashed to death by father Greg Anderson, who had a history of domestic violence and who was estranged from Luke’s mother Rosie, several failings by police, agencies and the court system are subsequently exposed.


2014 – Family violence becomes a state election issues with the Coalition introducing Carla’s Law to lift bans on the reporting of those convicted of IVO breaches, in response to the Take A Stand campaign and Labor pledging to set up a royal commission.


JULY 22, 2013 – Victoria’s most powerful men at the time – Premier Denis Napthine, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner – Ken Lay, AFL Chief – Andrew Demetriou and Lord Mayor – Robert Doyle – unite to back the

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Herald-Sun – Take A Stand Campaign to tackle family violence advocating that men must take responsibility for what is predominately a male issue. The campaign instigates unprecedented coverage of the complex issues around family violence over almost three years.


I feared someone I loved – that shouldn’t be a normal thing for an 8 year old to go through. For as long a I could remember mum and dad never really got along, from verbal disagreements to the days he would talk her out of doing something she wanted to do. He began taking his anger and issues out on not only mum but my younger brothers and me, shouting, hitting and projecting his frustrations upon us. When mum kicked him out I was at school and oblivious to what was happening at home.


The abuse continued once he left. My family continually lived in a state of fear whilst I stayed in a state of denial, blocking my ears and turning all of my attention toward music.


My brothers began seeing him and occasionally soon after I joined them. We always had the worst time, he never had anything for us to eat and was constantly passed out drunk.

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