Through a journey with her own daughter’s challenges, in 1993 Teymara commenced working with troubled youth. The first Born To Be Free youth program was sponsored by the ‘Esprit Cares’ Foundation under the vision of the then Australian managing director John Bell. In 1997, Teymara formed the ‘John Bell Future Youth Foundation’ named after her dear friend who died suddenly and prematurely.
Teymara works with youth to clear the negative psychology which registers as inner pain. For a young person the ‘pain’ comes from misguided negative beliefs about themselves and fears formed during their childhood. To a young person, lack of confidence, fear of failure, fear of rejection is painful.
It’s this inner pain that causes the outward behaviors that are difficult for parents to witness and understand – behavior including extreme aggression, social withdrawal, bullying, disengagement from academic studies, drug use, alcohol abuse, eating disorders and more.
Teymara supports youth to help themselves, giving them the power to change the course of their life for the better and be the best person they can be,
Depending on the age of your child, they may attend the Born to Be Free Skool 4 Kidz, or, the Born to Be Free adult program or they may require Teymara’s specialised one-on-one session.
If you’re not sure what the best option is for your child, please contact the office to discuss.
Teymara is an incredibly enlightened and intelligent woman who rather than attempting to rescue me as my counselors, therapists, teachers and parents had tried already, she taught me and all the rest of the kids the tools that essentially helped me to help myself.'
Name withheld, Born To Be Free graduate
“Giving the youth of today a future in the world of tomorrow” Tom: ‘I was in a stage in my life where I was going down, down, down, but I didn’t care, I almost liked it. Doing ‘Born To Be Free’ really picked me up and gave me all the skills I needed to firstly discover what it was I needed from my life and then to go out and get it. I am the happiest I have been ever and I am forever a changed person.’
Tom, Born To Be Free Graduate
"Born To Be Free’ has given Tom the key to turn despair into confidence, his apathy into action, and his self destruction into self determination. He now has two jobs, self esteem and a life to live.’
Tom's father
“Discovering your natural abilities” Daniel: ‘I think the clearings were great and that I lost most of my fears. The team was great and the course has been great. And I’m feeling great. Thanks to everyone organising this.’
Daniel’s mother:‘After Born To Be Free’ program both my husband and I have seen a lot of positive changes in Daniel’s behaviour. He has become more patient and he doesn’t get into the conflict as quick as he used to. If conflict is created he is more likely to compromise. Also he has become more mature and better organised in his studies.’
Daniel's Mother
Restoring relationships with parents”
Scott: ‘When I first came in I had a really bad attitude, I was getting myself into a lot of trouble and always fighting with my parents, that was if ever I came home. I now face my problems and challenges without getting angry. This program was the greatest gift I have ever given myself, I would recommend this program to anyone.’
‘Scott now seems to have a better focus on where he is heading in life. He has set himself goals in his employment career, and is working and studying hard to ensure they are achieved. He also now seems more communicative and relaxed in his social and family life.’
Scott's Father
Attaining a greater sense of happiness -Teymara gave me the inspiration I needed to experience a complete wholeness within my inner spirit.
Katie’s mother:‘I was terrified and heartbroken, the fear of losing my only child, my beautiful daughter, were very real. I could not bear to live without the sight of her wonderful smile. I was losing her. I did not know where to turn for help – I rang Teymara. My daughter is now well, happy and her spirit has returned along with her zest for life.’
Katie's mother
Restoring relationships with parents”
Ebony: ‘This program was really great, I now know how to cope with mum’s anger and I know how to cope with other people’s anger. It is all so much easier to understand.’
I’ve always considered Ebony to be mature and knowing beyond her years, this time as a young adult experiencing the program, she has opened up to a totally different level. We now communicate differently.’
Ebony’s mother