
When you were born, you had the perfect blueprint to create the perfect life you were meant to live.
You were born free. Free of fear, inhibitions, free to be the real you. Unfortunately, the events of your life and the various people you have come into contact with have created both positive and negative neurological pathways at a subconscious level. This happens to us all, whether we realize it or not.
"I cannot begin to explain how life changing Teymara’s ‘Born to be Free’ is. I don’t make this statement lightly and I have to admit even though I booked the course I was sceptical. Having spent many years trying to reverse the negative thought patterns and negative feelings deep inside me, through years of working with psychologists, cognitive behaviour therapy, prescription medications, reading what feels like every self help book ever printed you name it I tried it! Desperately seeking relief from the inner pain. Then I met Teymara and a group of women who had attended her seminar and experienced amazing life changes"
The most influential period for this to take place is birth until the age of 10. In the first five years we have no conscious filter, what we experience and how we’re treated is processed at an emotional level and various fears and negative beliefs about ourselves and life are encoded. Ages 6 to 10 our conscious logic starts to be developed, we are still being affected however we become more aware.
This one-day seminar will take you on a journey to fully understand how the subconscious and conscious levels of your mind have been formed and work together to create your ‘autopilot’. Imagine you’re captain of an aeroplane (your life). You think you’re in control however you’re not if what you want to do or achieve has a negative belief or fear being held at your subconscious level. That plane is on autopilot and pulls you in certain directions during your life, attracts you to certain types of people and governs all of your feelings that govern your outward behaviours. The work you will do in Born to Be Free re-sets your autopilot, transforming the negative and replacing with positives thus creating lasting change.
What should you expect?
This is a full day seminar (that runs from 9.30am until approximately 7pm) held at The Amora Hotel in Richmond, Victoria, Australia.
The first part of the session is a presentation that sets the scene and helps you understand how all levels your mind works. You’ll see how negative neurological pathways are formed and how we all fall into our own learned negative and positive patterns of behavior. Once you have this understanding, you’ll have clarity and understand why regular therapy doesn’t work and why you’ve often felt like you’re fighting an uphill battle in your life.
During the second part of the session, you’re taken through a series of ‘transformational techniques’ that specifically target the roadblocks stopping you from achieving what you want in life.
Tea/coffee provided throughout the day and lunch is available in near-by cafes in Richmond.
You are invited to attend a reconnect evening (held ten days after the seminar) where you will be given an opportunity to discuss with Teymara how you’ve been feeling, share the positive changes you’ve noticed and hear other insights and amazing stories of transformation from those who attended the seminar with you. Interstate and overseas participants are included via phone.
Investment: $330
Holding deposit $110
Prices include GST.