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them all as the following are but a small section.

I am confident that Born To Be Free seminar is a must for absolutely everybody. I tried different methods and I travelled the world in search of various possibilities to heal and understand myself better. However Teymara's technique is unique and there is nothing like it in the whole world. It was just one full day workshop and it was absolutely amazing. It gave such strength and boosted my confidence, I felt a solid foundation under my feet. My fear was muted and while it was still there that other feeling of tremendous joy and power overruled it. It felt incredibly good. I am so happy. After the seminar it is a lot easier to deal with any difficulties: be it negative people, challenges at work or time pressure, I am really able to stay focused, confident and just positive. And if still I fall into someone’s trap of negativity I found myself getting back on track very quickly, which was not the case before I attended Born To Be Free. It's unbelievably liberating to live life as a free person.


Olga Popova

Business Owner/Director


Image by Fuu J



I had had a sense of not wanting to be on earth. Nothing made me happy. I’ve been emotional, eating badly and self sabotaging myself. After Born To Be Free I now understand key points in my life and how and why these things affected me. Finally everything is clear and makes sense. I’m feeling completely different. I’m happy, aware and positive. The transformation process is beautiful and really helped me deal with issues, even issues I never thought I had. I thank Teymara very much and I’m so grateful to have been part of this life changing experience especially being a young person.


Mackenzie Pinder

The seminar was so beneficial to my own personal issues and queries. Having someone with such a loving nature helped me to connect on a personal level. It was presented in an amazing way, being that it was close and personal and didn’t feel as just an open group conversation. Going through the transformational work was comforting and welcomed as it was so easy. It was a wonder to deal with difficult problems and yet I had no hesitation in doing so.


Justin Dohman

Thank you Teymara. I am so excited about starting my new life. My past life has been shrouded by a dark cloud of self loathing and hating myself everyday and when I became a mum my biggest fear everyday is that I will be responsible for hurting my girls emotionally the way my mum hurt me. Today I’m so excited and looking forward to being a great Mum and loving who I am. After Born To Be Free my life can now begin.


Rebecca Wright

This woman is one in a BILLION... Not only has she transformed my life, but the lives of hundreds of women in my business. Understanding who we are, has given us a greater understanding and an ability to transform from the inside out. Utilising the subconscious transformational work and the Born To Be Free program, the women have worked so much on themselves, transforming self limiting beliefs that have been ingrained decades for many of them.


Releasing old neurological pathways and creating new ones has given these women a new perspective on themselves, their life.. and their ability to overcome obstacles in both personal and professional situations with ease! The Manifesting Your Future seminar gave us all a huge leap forward to smashing goals in all aspects of our lives... absolute radical growth!


Teymara always says... "Your business grows at the same capacity that you grow..." -this could not be more true. 

The truth is... Since myself and my team  have worked alongside Teymara we have had exponential growth. 


I could not be more grateful and thankful to have her in my life. She is an absolute matriarch in the industry and truly one of the world’s best kept secrets!!!


Courtney D'andrea

Diamonds Leader &

Executive Director

I cannot begin to explain how life changing Teymara’s  ‘Born to be Free’ is. I don’t make this statement lightly and I have to admit even though I booked the course I was sceptical. Having spent many years trying to reverse the negative thought patterns and negative feelings deep inside me, through years of working with psychologists, cognitive behaviour therapy, prescription medications, reading what feels like every self help book ever printed you name it I tried it! Desperately seeking relief from the inner pain. Then I met Teymara and a group of women who had attended her seminar and experienced amazing life changes. What I did not understand was how could I be in a room full of people, not have to share my story, but have the damage repaired. When I put this to Teymara prior to booking she told me ‘I don’t need to know your story it doesn’t matter what’s caused the pain, we just need to transform and heal it and you‘. Well, even though I was still sceptical what did I have to lose? Nothing !


Well, thank goodness I did because after years and years of searching for a way to clear that pain one day with Teymara and its gone! Yes gone, not just faded – GONE! - No more negativity towards myself. The amazing thing is I slept through all the subconscious transformational work, I slept and Teymara erased it all. After every hour session we had a break and I would go to Teymara and say      ‘I’ve just been asleep, no dreams, no flash backs, nothing’ (as some other attendees were experiencing) don’t worry she assured me, its’ working.


Well, my word did it work,  all those self doubts, awful negative self beliefs and that negative inner voice that had held me back and stopped me believing in myself gone! The freedom from these negative thoughts and emotions is life changing. All I wish is that I had met Teymara years ago and that I win the lottery so I can send everyone I know to ‘Born to Be Free’ because I don’t think there is a person alive who wouldn’t benefit from it. And speaking of money, I would be in a much better place financially in my life now if I had met Teymara all those years ago! 


Can’t wait to attend Teymara’s ‘Manifesting Your Future’ -  Bring it on! 


- Jo Allen

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